Together, 13 children enjoyed games of dreidel, plenty of chanukah gelt as well as the chance to try their hand at chanukah inspired origami. Shayna Conn also read the P J Library story Hanukkah in Alaska, by Barbara Brown. Families were then invited to join the congregation at large for a beautifully sung candle lighting service, and then downstairs for a delicious array of sufganiyot, latkes and fried fish balls to commemorate the miracle of the oil. Shayna Conn


Thank you to the Esterson Trust for their generous donation of a sculpture (right) commemorating Kindertransport. It is located in the hallway outside the Prayer Hall.

QUESTIONS-1. I’m very interested in your lovely picture in the last newsletter Adi. Tell me what you have drawn. Is there a message you would like to tell us in Garnethill about green issues?
2. Have you heard about green issues/ COP26 in school? What new things have you learned?
ANSWERS-1. I did it like a tree because it reminds me of deforestation and makes me think of it and what we can do to stop it. I was also inspired by autumn and the trees.
2. We already learned about ways to help the environment, last year in P4. But this year we learned about COP26 and how it is helping the environment.

From 6th December all night clubs and discos in France have been closed. To enter a restaurant or bar you have to show proof of vaccination or show a certificate if a person cannot be vaccinated on medical grounds. It is mandatory to wear masks on public transport and in shops. The larger stores who have security guards will not allow anyone to enter without a mask or a lanyard showing exemption. All shuls in Marseille remain open with no restriction on numbers. All congregants should wear masks as the services are held indoors but not everyone adheres to this. They also have a Kiddush after services.
One of the biggest complaints during Covid in the United Kingdom has been the difficulty in seeing a doctor face to face. In France GP appointments have continued face to face all through Covid. Covid testing is free in United Kingdom whether you are vaccinated or not. In France from 15th October Covid testing is only free to fully vaccinated or exempt groups, children under 18 and if you have a positive lateral Flow/Antigen test within the last 48 hours. All other people especially the unvaccinated have to pay 44 euros for a PCR test. Errol Hornstein

Activities in the Scottish Jewish Heritage Centre We are delighted to have welcomed our first school group into the building since our launch. Crosby Ravensworth school came all the way from Cumbria to visit us, combining the day trip with a visit to the Central Mosque in the morning as part of their studies about places of worship. The pupils, ranging from primaries 3 to 6, enjoyed a tour of the shul and the kitchen with volunteer Eleanor Livingston, and had plenty of interesting questions to keep Eleanor on her toes!We have a number of schools booked up to visit in the coming months and are also looking for more school visit facilitators to help with the service – please help us spread the word! You can find more information here: https://sjhc.org.uk/volunteering/ In the new year we will be launching the Garnethill Refugee Trail, which highlights the places in Garnethill that are connected with Jewish refugees who came to Glasgow from Europe before, during and after the Second World War. We will also be making available an online version of the exhibition ‘A Very Handsome Synagogue’, which is currently on display in the Function Room. Kerry Patterson, Manager

Next Monday, we enter the month of Shevat, and two weeks later, it is 15th (Tu) of Shevat – Tu b’Shevat, the New Year for Trees.
Hopefully, we will be able to re-commence services in Shul around this time and when Sue and Paul return from holiday, we can commemorate the planting of our Olive and Maple Trees at our Shabbat Kiddush.
I look forward to seeing a good minyan when we return to welcome back Errol and Stanley.
I would like, at this point, to express my thanks to members of the congregation for your active participation in the Services, to Roberta, Elaine and Pam – our fantastic ‘Kiddush Team’, and to Josephine who does SO MUCH to keep the Shul at its best so that we can enjoy everything the Shul has to offer.
With HOPE and FAITH, Moses led the People through the TEN PLAGUES. Let’s keep that in mind as we prepare to overcome our current ‘Plague’ and – Aim towards a HAPPY and HEALTHY 2022! Chazan Eddie
Month of January/ Tevet/Shevat Shabbat and Festival
January | Tevet | End | |
1 Shabbat | 28 P. VaEra, mevorchim | 3.43 Fri | 4.58 |
3 Mon | 1 Rosh Chodesh Shevat | ||
8 Shabbat | 6 P. Bo | 3.47 Fri | 5.07 |
15 Shabbat | 13 P. Beshalach | 3.59 Fri | 5.17 |
17 Mon | 15 Tu B’Shvat | ||
22 Shabbat | 20 P. Yitro | 4.12 Fri | 5.29 |
29 Shabbat | 27 P. Mishpatim, mevorchim | 4.27 Fri | 5.42 |

One of our members in Garnethill, Marion Camrass, features in Episode 3 Series 3 and is interviewed by Claire Singerman. It will be available for a few months yet but don’t forget to watch it! The Kindertransport scheme became a lifeline for thousands of Jewish children from all over Europe. Marion arrived in Glasgow in November 1946. She said, ” Scotland was good to me”.