Glasgow has been chosen this year to hold all the events for COP26. SCOJEC and GJRC have been very proactive in bringing together a programme of events. All synagogues in Scotland and the UK are being encouraged to hold a Shabbat Service themed on the need to address climate change and the COP. Garnethill is also very involved in the Talanoa Dialogue which is an informal dialogue using indigenous peoples from Fiji’s way of solving problems in their communities. Chief Rabbi Mirvis will be welcoming all the participants at this event. The Interfaith Week event will focus on the role of education in promoting interfaith respect faith education. Garnethill is also going to host workshops and will be a safe haven for the police and specified groups who wish to use our facilities and have a break. Garnethill is leading the way in addressing the green issues which include cutting back the use of plastic and non-biodegradable materials. We are now officially called an Eco-synagogue and we are aiming to be more practical environmentally. Jessie Little
We volunteered to act as guides at Garnethill for Doors Open Day this year 2021. For the first time the tours were organised by the Scottish Jewish Heritage Centre. We were asked to do the first of several tours. Each tour group was limited to ten people, and the Community Security Trust sent volunteers to help with security. Each tour lasted 50 minutes to give visitors a brief view of the Synagogue, Archives and Heritage Centre. Our group showed considerable interest and asked a number of questions about Judaism in general and about the history of Garnethill Shul. Hopefully everyone enjoyed their visit and will return for a full tour. Morris & Sandra Shapiro
Mazaltov to Joyce Livingston on the engagement of her grandson Jeremy Livingston (London) to Natasha Field (Manchester). Dr. Steven Livingston (former shul choir member)
It seems hardly any time since Succot, and here we are, five weeks later, at the beginning of November 2021– and the beginning of the month of Kislev.
We have already read from the Torah, the Sedrot – B’reishis, Noach, Lech L’cha, Vayeira and Chayei Sarah, which has brought us from ‘the beginning’, to the time of Abraham and Isaac!
This Shabbat, 5th/ 6th November, will be a most exciting and emotional experience for all of us, as we concentrate our thoughts and our choral singing not only on the survival of our planet, but especially on building closer relationships with our own families and our interfaith ‘families’ at home and around the world.
As if this is not enough! … before we reach the end of the month, we celebrate ………………CHANUKAH !!! – yet more Excitement !!
Wishing you all good health and look forward to seeing you on Shabbat,
Chazan Eddie
New plates and cutlery have been purchased with the generous donation from the Esterson Trust and from the Judith and Harold Rosenberg bequest. This is a very fitting way to use a portion of their very generous support of Garnethill. Judith would have been very pleased to support the purchase of the new dishes and cutlery to be used in the refurbished function room. Suzie Dover
We are pleased to announce Garnethill Synagogue has been awarded a safety grant by the Scottish Government.
The work, to be completed within the next three months will include:
– installation of more security cameras which will allow us to monitor a larger area around the perimeter of the building
– refitting of the front gate to strengthen the fence and automate the opening
– replacement and connecting of the grates on the two windows in the Sukkah courtyard.
We are pleased to announce Garnethill Synagogue has been awarded a safety grant by the Scottish Government.
The work, to be completed within the next three months will include:
– installation of more security cameras which will allow us to monitor a larger area around the perimeter of the building
– refitting of the front gate to strengthen the fence and automate the opening
– replacement and connecting of the grates on the two windows in the Sukkah courtyard.
The Courtyard
Now that our beautiful courtyard on Garnet Street is almost completed, we have a unique opportunity to make it into a peaceful and welcoming space.
There are two benches that have been graciously donated by the Montefiore Lodge and the Naftalin family. The first tree outside represents tranquility. The second tree inside is an olive tree symbolising peace.
But there is work to be done! One of the walls needs to be resurfaced and painted. We also would need some folks to research what kind of plaques could be placed on the wall.
We’d need to determine the cost for plaques and ask for sponsors. Want to help ? Do you have some time to share ideas ? Please let Sue know. We are excited to embark on this new phase of beautification and remembering our loved ones. Chairman, Sue Siegel
Special thanks to the Dover and Naftalin families for their donation. The back of the bench below is facing Garnet Street. Please take a look when you are passing.
November | Kislev | End | |
5 Fri | 1 Rosh Chodesh Kislev | ||
6 Shabbat | 2 P. Toldot | 4.13 Fri | 5.22 |
13 Shabbat | 9 P. VaYetzei | 4.00 Fri | 5.11 |
20 Shabbat | 16 P. VaYishlach | 3.48 Fri | 5.01 |
27 Shabbat | 23 P. VaYeshev, mevorchim | 3.39 Fri | 4.54 |
29 Mon | 25 Chanukah; first candle after dark 4.46 Sun |
Would all members who haven’t paid their fees, please arrange to pay as soon as possible.
We are delighted to announce that Rabbi Yonatan Neril, FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development will deliver a Dvar Torah after our Shabbat service on Nov 6th. He writes the following below and will elaborate …..
With multi-faith organizing on climate change growing, COP 26 in Glasgow can serve as a turning point for humanity. How can Jews respond appropriately to the challenge posed by climate change? What is the role of the Jewish community in manifesting a vision for a sustainable future? What are the spiritual roots of the climate crisis, and how can we address them in our own lives and communities? Visit the website here – The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development ( Treasurer, Gary Marks
ITEM OF INTEREST-This week, Hidden Treasures celebrating Jewish archives in Britain, shared this image – from the marvellous Memory Map of Jewish Manchester – advertising Manchester’s Joseph Mandleberg and Company. By 1880, Manchester had become the centre of the British waterproof clothing industry and this was one of the first Jewish firms there, founded in 1856. As well as making up the garments, workers were employed as ‘shmearers’, sealing the seams of the waterproofs by smearing them, by hand, with napthe solution. For more treasures from the archives, follow us on social media @seethetreasures. Meantime, keep an eye on our own Scottish Jewish Archives Centre for activities and events coming up.