January Newsletter

Chanukah Event December 2020 – Symbol of Hope for 2021

A presentation of a Chanukah gift bag was made to over 200 children at Calderwood Lodge  Primary School in Glasgow as the children were unable to make their normal Chanukah visit to  the Shuls. Each child got a menorah, dreidle, other Chanukah games and chivalry Chanukah  coins. The gift bags were sponsored by the four Glasgow Shuls – Garnethill, Giffnock, Glasgow  Reform and Newton Mearns.


Chazan’s Report

The weeks are F L Y I N G !!  

Since our last Newsletter at the end of October, we have read about our Forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and over the last FOUR WEEKS, we have read – and SUNG – about JOSEPH. 

On 9th January, we move from the book of B’Reishis into Sh’mos, where we read of a baby boy  who was ‘Drawn OUT OF THE WATER’ – yes!! We now begin reading about the life of MOSES. 

Hopefully, we will be able to re-commence our Shul Services on January 16th

I would like to thank Errol for keeping in touch with our ‘Minyan Members’ over this difficult  time. Do remember to reply to Errol’s emails regarding minyanim as you have already been doing  over the past weeks. Your feedback is so much appreciated by all of us, as, individually and  together, you keep the Shul Services ALIVE!! – Incidentally it was a lovely surprise for everyone to  have a ‘Chanukah Kiddush’ of special Doughnuts as we were leaving the Shul – many thanks,  Errol!! 

I would like to extend our thanks to Stanley for all his dedication as Bal Korei and Clive for  participating regularly in Torah Duties. 

Our thanks are due to Josephine and David and to Jessie, Sue, Joel and all the Committee who  continue to work so hard for us. 

Hopefully it won’t be too long before we are able once again to have a Kiddush downstairs, and  enjoy again our D’VAR TORAH Class led by Robin! 


Keep well, Stay Safe and have a HAPPY and HEALTHY 2021. 

Shabbat Shalom, 


Shul Information

January Tevet Start End 
2 Shabbat 18 P. VaYehi 3.39 Fri 5.00
9 Shabbat 25 P. Shemot, mevorchim 3.49 Fri 5.08
14 Thurs1 Rosh Chodesh Shevat 
16 Shabbat3 P. VaEra 4.01 Fri 5.19
23 Shabbat 10 P. Bo 4.15 Fri  5.31
28 Thurs 15 Tu B’Shvat
30 Shabbat 17 P. Beshalach 4.29 Fri 5.44
Month of January/Tevet 5781 Shabbat and Festival
2 January Mr. Leslie Rosin
9 January Mr. Len Dorfman
16 January Mr.Morris Shapiro
23 January Mr.Errol Hornstein
30 January Mr.Michael Barnet
Saturday 2 January   Mr. Charles Trager; Mrs: Rosalind Kaye; Dr. Harry Riffkind; Mr. John Dover; Mrs. Irene Markson.
Saturday 9 January Mrs. Karen Alexander: Mr. Alex Harris; Mr. Charles Levine; Mrs. Irene  Markson; Mr. John Dover; Mr. Errol Hornstein; Mrs. Joyce Livingston; Mrs.  Pam Friend.
Saturday 16 January   Mr. Paul Abrahams; Dr. Barry Adams-Strump; Mrs. Sandra Silverdale; Mrs.  Sandra Shapiro; Mr. Bernard Harland: Mrs. Judith Gillis: Mrs. Colleen  Harrison; Mrs. Jennifer Speculand; Mr. Paul Edlin; Mrs. Barbara Adams Strump; Mrs. Sarah Freeman.
Saturday 23 January Mrs. Louise Lyon; Mrs. Philippa Bishop; Mrs. Irene Markson; Mrs. Colleen  Harrison; Mrs. Pam Friend.
Saturday 30 January Mr. Bernard Harland; Mrs. Marion Camrass; Mrs. Carol Bishop; Mrs. Sarah  Freeman; Mrs. Judith Brown; Mrs. Judith Rosenberg; Mr. Leonard Levin; Dr.  Lawrence Schmulian.

Information from the Archives

Albert and Winifred Strathdee

Garnethill Synagogue has had a succession of hard-working caretakers, who have enabled the smooth running of the building.  These have included Sgt. Major Burns (who served for 19 years), Sgt. Major McKean, Sgt. Brady and Ian Gibson.  

From 1936 to 1958, Sergeant-Major Albert Strathdee was caretaker. Born in Edinburgh in 1893, he joined the Highland Light Infantry in the First World War, shortly after leaving school and was a German prisoner of war for 4 years. In 1919, he married Winifred Mary Kelly. He was appointed official collector and caretaker about 1936, in succession to  Sergeant Brady. 

The Strathdees had one son, Albert Martin Strathdee (born 1920). During the Second World War,  he served in the Royal Air Force, but tragically was killed in action in 1944.  

In late 2019, the Archives Centre arranged a visit to Garnethill of Mrs Jessie Scobbie of Stirling  and her daughter, Sandra Scobbie. Jessie’s father had been Albert Strathdee’s cousin and she  remembered as a little girl, aged six or seven, being brought to visit the Strathdees at their home  at 125 Hill Street, next to the Synagogue. She remembers a big hall and large rooms, with a grand  piano and she was also shown round the synagogue. 

Jessie and Sandra brought photographs and documents about the Strathdees for the Archives  Centre collection. They were fascinated to see annual reports of Garnethill Hebrew Congregation  describing Albert Strathdee’s work, which include tributes such as: 

‘The efficient care and pride which he and Mrs Strathdee take in maintaining the Synagogue  premises in such splendid condition are highly appreciated by all.’(1936-37) 

‘Both carry out their many duties in a most satisfactory manner and as always, take pride in  keeping the synagogue buildings in first class order.’ (1948-1949) 


They also looked at the Jewish Echo of 24 March 1939, whichstates that the boys in the refugee hostel next door were being given regular physical training and boxing lessons by Sgt.- Major Strathdee. 

Jessie told us that Albert Strathdee died in 1967 in Dunblane, aged 74, while Winifred died in 1977. 

Please contact Harvey Kaplan, Director, Scottish Jewish Archives Centre if you have further information.  

[images: Albert Strathdee with cousin John, Jessie’s father; Also Jessie and Sandra  visiting Garnethill.