After a turbulent year and a half with lockdowns and Covid it was a magical moment to be in the brand new Succah at last. Once again we were able to celebrate Succot and lovingly decorate the Succah with all the greenery generously provided by Elaine Marks. It truly looked resplendent with all the finery. A huge thanks to Sue Siegel, Lawrence Schmulian, Roberta Wright, Suzie Dover, Elaine Marks and Sarah Freeman for taking the time to decorate the Succah and for doing it with a smile! The ladies in the kitchen provided us with special disposable covered plates with fruit kebabs, various sandwiches and crisps. This “new normal”, due to Covid regulations, has been working well and we are all appreciative of the efforts made to keep us safe. It is good to be able to attend the services, connect with the community again, to share experiences, and to celebrate Succot which is a joyous festival.

“On Sunday 8th August, Matana Club broke out of the digital world and met members at Garnethill Synagogue as part of their tour of Scotland. Almost 30 people joined in games, storytelling and a bagel snack. Matana Club, is a monthly free surprise box with activities, recipes, food and crafts relating to upcoming Jewish holidays, for children in Nursery through to P7 across Scotland. Lizza Dauenhauer-Pendley, a Matana parent said “Our favourite part of Matana Live was learning and strengthening our knowledge of our faith and traditions through inventive playful games! We loved working together as groups to play Jewpardy especially”.
Garnethill Hebrew Congregation is a member of the Matana Club team. Matana Live was supported by the UJIA Summer Engagement Fund and the PJ Library.
Register to join Matana at: bit.ly/matanascotland ” (Shayna Conn)

Thank you to Paul Edlin & Sue Siegel for contributing the plants at the top of the stairs.
Thank you to Morris & Sandra Shapiro for donating the plants in the function room.
Thank you to all those who have sponsored the kiddushim recently.

This is a gentle reminder for everyone to pay their dues for this coming year. A recent letter has gone out with bank account details. Treasurer

Best wishes to our Parnas, and Chief Minyan Man, Errol Hornstein. He is having some hip work done and we hope to see him back in fighting form soon! Refuah Shlema from all the congregation.

Mazal Tov to this year’s honorees for their significant contribution to the Community and Garnethill. We were privileged to be a part of the special Simchat Torah day.
Chatan Torah -Leslie Rosen and Chatan Bereishis- Mervyn Lovat
Month of October Tishrei & Marcheshvan 5782 Shabbat and Festival
October | Tishrei | End | |
2 Shabbat | 26 Shabbat Bereishit, mevorchim | 6.37 Fri | 7.41 |
6 Wed | 30 Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvan, first day | ||
7 Thurs | 1 Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvan, second day | ||
9 Shabbat | 3 P. Noah | 6.19 Fri | 7.23 |
16 Shabbat | 10 P. Lech Lecha | 6.01 Fri | 7.06 |
23 Shabbat | 17 P. VaYera | 5.44 Fri | 6.50 |
30 Shabbat | 24 P.Chayei Sarah, mevorchim | 5.28 Fri | 6.36 |

Sue our Chairman asked one of the drivers who does the route to Garnethill often. This was his response:
Hi Sue, I can’t see any issue getting to the shul during COP26 . Traffic will be slow for periods but it does not appear to be an issue.

Read all about COP26 and what it involves. https://ukcop26.org/
Our lovely synagogue will be hosting a number of events for visitors all of which are still being determined.
On 31 October, Sunday evening from 4-8 PM, there will be a gathering called the Talenoa Dialogue.
This event will be attended by worldwide leaders of many faiths to discuss faith communities approach to climate change ( including the “EcoRabbis” from London ).
It is being coordinated by Interfaith Glasgow and Interfaith Scotland.
Want to help? We would appreciate a few volunteers to assist in managing participants getting to their breakout sessions, coordinating the interfaith prayer service and saying hello to participants. Please let Sue know if you would be available to assist. Chairman

Saturday, 6th November, we are having an Eco-Shabbat.
It is a celebration of COP26 and the service will focus on opportunities to preserve our planet and environment.
Shuls throughout the UK are inviting some members of other faith communities and leaders to join us.
More information will be available as we get closer and we will be asking our members to assist by explaining the service to our visitors. Chairman

Welcome Wednesdays will be launching on Wednesday 6th October and will be taking place every Wednesday from 1-4pm at Jewish Care in May Terrace Giffnock. The afternoons are volunteer run and will be a place for people of all ages to drop in, come together and socialise.
Gary, The Kosher Chef, will be there serving drinks and snacks.
Any questions can be sent to Jewish Care Scotland at hello@jcarescot.org.uk.