November Newsletter

Dear Members,

Please join me and the Executive in thanking our beloved Bimah boys for, once again, leading us through different but meaningful Holy Days. 

Their preparation was exact and they managed to ensure the services were safe to attend and wonderful to witness. Josephine and David continue to support us every Shabbat and we are thankful for their dedication. 

Let’s hope that we will soon be able to worship in the glorious style we enjoy and celebrate Kiddushim together in our new lovely Function Hall. The kitchen and Sukkah are almost equipped and will be ready when we are! For those of you who were not able to join us, we hope you connected with family and friends  and felt the love from our community . 

Please note that 8 November – 15 November is Interfaith Week . The link to events ( at no charge)  is below and please try to attend many of the virtual events. People of many faiths and religions  are represented with many Israelis highlighting this year’s theme of “Connecting .” … particularly  relevant in these times of isolation .,dialogue%2C%20understanding%20and%20cooperation%20between%20Scotland%27s%20diverse%20

Until we see each other again … stay well and safe ! 

Kindest regards 

Sue (Chairman)


Many thanks to all those who have already paid subscriptions for the year. All  those who are outstanding could they pay as soon as possible.  
Kindest regards 
Gary (Treasurer)

Chazan’s Report

“And there was evening and there was morning” – 

Shabbat 5th September, and we were back in Shul – and that was SO GOOD !!  

Two weeks later, we held Services for Rosh Hashannah followed by Kol Nidrei and Yom Kippur, with all our Special Melodies, – and then, before we  could all regain our composure, it was October, and Succos Services for 1st and 2nd Day were held  followed by Sh’mini Atzeres and Simchas Torah the following weekend – with all our Succos  Melodies – but really missed the ‘Bimah Boys’ close harmonies on the Bimah!! 

It was extra-special this year for our Chatan Torah, Lawrence Schmullian and Chatan B’reishit,  Richard Lennard, who were both awarded their Certificates in Shul. 

Now it’s the very end of October, we have re-started the Torah cycle starting from B’reishis, and  this week we begin reading about Abraham’s ‘adventures’! 

All this didn’t just happen! There are so many people to thank for their participation, both in the  Shul and ‘behind the scenes’. To you, our members, for ensuring a Minyan for every service. 

To Josephine and David for working so hard keeping the Shul sanitised and safe, as well as  preparing the Shul for all the services. 

To Errol, for giving us all such clear guidance for Aliyot and new procedures while we stay  distanced in Shul. 

To Stanley, who has adapted to the new procedures as Ba-al Korei with ease. To Clive, who participates so enthusiastically with Torah duties. 

To Sue, Jessie, Joel and all the Committee who continue to work so hard keeping us all informed. 

For those of you who are not able to attend at this point in time, I know your thoughts are with  us and I look forward to seeing you in Shul again when you feel it is safe to return. 

I look forward , in the not-too-distant future, to being able to have a Kiddush downstairs in our  refurbished Function Room and enjoy again our D’VAR TORAH Class led by Robin! Meanwhile,  Keep Well, Stay Safe. Have a Happy and Healthy Year, Shabbat Shalom 

Shabbat Shalom, 


Shul Information

November Marcheshvan Start End 
7 Shabbat 20 P.VaYera 4.11 Fri 5.20
14 Shabbat 27 P.Chayei Sarah,  mevorchim3.57 Fri 5.09
17 Tue1 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 
21 Shabbat5 P. Toldot 3.46 Fri 5.00
28 Shabbat 12 P.VaYetzei 3.37 Fri  4.53
Month of November/Marcheshvan 5781 Shabbat and Festival
7 November Mr.Charles Levine
14 November Mr.Anthony Silverdale
21 November Mr.Morris Shapiro
28 November Mr.Michael Barnett
Saturday 7 November     Mrs. Florence Levine: Mr. Niall Levine: Mrs. Karen Alexander: Dr.  Richard Levin: Mrs. Sandra Silverdale: Dr. Monty Silverdale: Mr.  Anthony Silverdale: Mr. Philip Mendelsohn: Mrs. Lana Jacobs
Saturday 14 November Mr. Eric Jacobs: Mr. Charles Trager
Saturday 21 November   Rev. Dr. Cosgrove; Mr. John Cosgrove: Mr. Philip Mendelsohn: Mrs.  Lilian Goodman: Mrs. Esmee Shapiro: Mr. Morris Shapiro
Saturday 28 November Mr. Leonard Levin: Mrs. Evi Berlow: Mr. Harold Fox: Dr. Jack Levy
We are now restarting the Monthly Newsletter and hope to have it  regularly by the end of each month. We didn’t have much material for  this one, hence the delay.  We would love to receive articles, personal experiences and anything of  interest so that we can keep the newsletter ticking over. Many thanks…